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We are so excited to announce our Winter Axe & Knife League 2025 will kick off on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025! Warm-ups for Winter League start at 6:00-6:30 pm and play and scoring starts from 6:30-9:00pm. The league is an 8-week season, with an elimination playoff tournament taking place on the 8th week. League Members will play 9 Throwing Matches each week and faceoff each week against someone different. We will be having our Knife and Axe Throwers competing at the same time for 8 weeks. The cost per player for each season is $100+ applicable taxes.

How the Leagues Work

  • No need to form teams, Axe & Knife Throwing are sanctioned leagues and are individually scored

  • Leagues run for 8 consecutive weeks, on Tuesday's or up till Friday if you can't attend each weeks slot.

  • Things DO come up, so this is subject to change but you will be notified in advance.

  • Each week for the first 8 weeks, players will compete in 9 Matches generating points to determine a season ranking and who will be in the last week’s playoffs.

  • Each Match consists of 10 throws in total. 

  • For the playoffs on week 8, the top 16 players will participate in an elimination-style tournament.

  • You are allowed 1 excused absence, any other absences will result in forfeiting your scheduled matches. If you run late by 10 minutes into your time slot, you forfeit your game.

  • League members are encouraged to bring their own axe that falls within the standards of 1.25lb – 3.00 lbs and a wooden handle of at least 13”-19" and a face (blade) no larger than 4”. 

Benefits of Joining a League at AXE HOUSE

  • Free spectator(s) admission anytime. 

  • Discounted practice rates are available through our monthly Membership.

  • Three (3) options for practice hours.

  • Special Walk-In Practice rate of $20 per hour. Limited to public walk-in hours, but available anytime there is availability. You are not guaranteed your own target, but could/will be grouped together with other League Members.

    • 1st Place Winner will receive a Cash Reward ($300 or More), a Custom Trophy, a Name Displayed on the League Plaque, and 1 Free Month Axe House Membership.

    • 2nd Place Winner will receive a Cash Reward ($100 or More), a Plaque & 1 Free Month Axe House Membership

    • 3rd Place Winner will receive a Plaque.

Thanks for submitting! a member of our team will reach out shortly!


It's easy to book your next Axe or Knife Throwing time! Booking online is as simple as the Throw of an Axe!

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